Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy V DAY!

Not as in "the lizard people are coming and you should be happy about it," but as in VALAMINTIMES DAY!  

These are for the paper valamintime pocket you taped onto your desk

I am spending this Valamintimes Day in our nation's capital, accompanying the Manfriend on his annual lobbying trip.  He goes every year to try and save our health care system from politicians, and I go with him to  look at museums, watch cable in the hotel room, and hang out with formerly left-coast friends.  FUN!

no better place to spend V Day than a city with a giant phallic symbol!

My dear peoples, I wish you a very, very happy Valentine's Day, and hope you have a great day, whether you're snugglin' with your sweetie, commiserating with other singles, or just hating it all with a blinding passion.  I heart you all, and dedicate this montage of smooches (compiled by AOL) to each and every one of you!

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