Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Kids are weird
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
They're Safe, Dangscragit.
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Barrier fun!
- check the expiration date on the condom wrapper - throw it away if it's expired!
- make sure there is air inside the unopened condom wrapper - if there is no air, the wrapper has been compromised - throw it away!
- pinch the tip of the condom before rolling it on to create a little pocket - it gives the cum somewhere to go.
- don't keep condoms in your wallet or pants pockets - heat breaks down latex!
- spermicidal condoms and lube can be irritating to the vagina or rectum, and can actually increase the risk of STD transmission - use them with caution!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Aspiring to Thumperness
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Herpes

This is what I mean about sex making people go batshit crazy. This is SO SAD. Two lives are ruined out of ignorance.

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Plasticized Sexy Time
STDs a la Chakabox
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Take That, Cancer
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Richard the Lionhearted, Pasty Cline and ME!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Nervous Sounding Guy
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Best Commercial Ever.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Chakabox Bill of Rights
Excuse me if I go a little sex-educator cliche here for a sec, but it's time to lay it down.
Assuming you are of a legal age and mental ability to make your own sexual decisions, and that any partner (or partners) are human, consensual, legal and alive, you have the right to:
- Experience sexual pleasure.
- Be sexual at all ages and stages of your life.
- Define your own sexuality, how you wish to express it, and with whom.
- Remain celibate.
- Enjoy your body and all of its sensations.
- Pursue sexual satisfaction any way you choose - without shame.
- Ask for what you want and to set your own limits.
- Say NO to any sexual encounter at any time.
- Say YES to any sexual encounter at any time.
- Feel GOOD about saying yes and no.
- Partners who respect you and are willing to communicate.
- Know if a partner might put you at risk of an STD, and to insist they get tested.
- Ask questions and to receive accurate and factual information about sex and sexual health.
No matter how basic these rights may be, they don't guarantee deep contentment and orgasmic bliss for all time. Sometimes putting your foot down means someone hits the road. You also have to respect these rights in your partners, as well, which means you don't always get everything you want all the time.
Now go exercise your rights!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Sex Lady, Part 2
CAPE lost its funding when I was partway through college. It's unfortunate, because it was doing a lot of good things. It was also a great job that I really liked. Feh.
After a short detour (I sold books for a couple of years, and drank a bunch of beer), I re-entered the world of sexual health when I landed a job as a research coordinator and community educator at the Virology Research Clinic (VRC), one of the top centers of herpesvirus research in the world.
Oh, wait - this is important - at one point during the course of these past events, I started having sex myself. This continues to be one of the best things to happen to me, ever.
Anyway, after nearly 8 years at the VRC, it became clear to me that sex and sexuality are absolutely central in the lives of people. Not that people do nothing but think about boning all day, but that very little in this world effects people as deeply as sex does. I've seen successful, happy people go completely bonkers on account their sex lives. End-up-in-the-hospital-getting-shock-treatment bonkers. This is powerful stuff, I'm telling you.
This winter shall be the season of me biting the bullet, as I head back to school for a master's degree in marriage and family counseling, which is the recommended training for sex therapists. The degree, along with this here blog and some things I'm not yet ready to reveal, are all part of my master plan. We live in a society that wants us to be ashamed of our sexy feelings and abilities, while simultaneously shoving sex down our throats. I think this ruins more lives than we know. I'm going to help change it.
They're already calling me the Sex Lady, right?